Total Mixology Enterprise

Unique resources for bar and liquor company teams

In a nutshell, Total Mixology Enterprise is everything that makes Total Mixology great, but configured for team use instead of individual use.

Education & training resources

Make the Total Mixology resource available to your entire team with an eminently affordable multi-user account. Add and remove members as you go, and designate who can do what within the account.

Collaborate on recipe development

The private recipes feature of Total Mixology Enterprise works with the multiple users as a content management system. Private recipes are versioned, so you can always see who changed what, and when.

Recipe content management & publishing

If you need to manage a big pile of recipes for on-line publishing and other related purposes, we can build a custom rendering and export subsystem for whatever your application demands. (This service involves additional consulting and maintenance fees.)

Total Mixology Enterprise is for businesses. To inquire about Total Mixology Enterprise, get in touch.